Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Secret Body Detox That's Been Proven To Work

If you've been feeling sluggish lately and can't figure out why, it may be time for you to consider a full body detox. Detoxification works by encouraging your body itself to work overtime to flush the toxic substances out of your system. There are many ways that you can get your body to perform this process, one of which is called the master cleanse diet. This diet "shocks" your body into expelling the harmful carcinogens that have no doubt built up in your body over the course of many years. Heavy metals and other cancer causing substances are most likely festering in every organ in your body, reducing their ability to function at peak levels.

There are several steps in the master cleanse detoxification process, none of which are difficult to perform. One step requires you to drink a concoction of lemon juice, water, maple syrup and cayenne pepper to help stimulate your system. Another step actually requires you to drink a glass of salt water first thing in the morning to help the toxic sludge move it's way through your system so you can get rid of it.

The master cleanse plan takes place over the course of about ten days, and it's natural for you to feel even less energetic during the first few days. Once your body starts to adjust and begins to expel the built up toxins, you will start to feel better. I performed this diet myself and by the time the ten days were up, I felt amazing and found that I had more energy than I can ever remember having.

» Check Out The Master Cleanse Secrets Here! «

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