Sunday, February 27, 2011

Foods To Eat While Detoxing Your Body

If you're looking to perform a detox on your body, then now is as good a time as any to think about doing so. Toxins and chemicals build up over time and linger in our systems for years, sapping our energy and in some cases causing disease. Detoxifying your body is not as hard as most people think; with a few simple steps, you can begin a regimen in the comfort of your own home.

Processed foods, daily stress and exposure to the environment will naturally increase the levels of heavy metals, pesticides and other carcinogenic substances in a person's body. Luckily our bodies are designed to flush out these toxins naturally, but the process can take a long time. That's where a simple detox diet comes in. The master cleanse technique has been proven effective over the course of the last fifty years, so you know that it works. But there are also several foods you can eat to speed the process up. Fruits and vegetables are a no-brainer here. They provide healthy vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and most importantly fiber. Fiber is insoluble, therefore moves through your intestinal track in a manner that scrapes and cleans as it works it's way through.

Water is another very important thing that you can ingest when trying to flush these harmful substances from your body. The more you drink, the better. In the sense of detoxification, water helps to literally move things through your body so that your organs can perform their natural functions and help to expel this toxic sludge.

» Check Out The Master Cleanse Secrets Here! «

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